5 Fabulous Bourbon Peach Cobbler Coffee Recipes - Where Sophistication Meets A Kitchen Classic For An Unparalleled Experience

10 min read DEC 13, 2023

The sophistication of an aged bourbon meets the sweet, yet tart taste of homemade peach cobbler, these flavors then smoothly washed in a bath of bold, balanced, medium roasted, single origin, organic, low acid, mountain and shade grown coffee.

This is our Bourbon Peach Cobbler Coffee…and just one sip of this brew brings to mind my childhood, my grandpa’s peach tree, and my grandma’s kitchen…

Growing up, we lived next to my grandparents, and between our houses were a few rows of apple trees. My brothers and I always dreaded the summer mowing season because of those trees as one of our chores involved picking up the fallen apples prior to any mowing session.

Ahhh, but just to the right of those apple trees was one tree we didn’t mind…for a few reasons.

To the right of the seemingly endless rows of apple trees stood a single, lone, and very fruitful, peach tree. My grandpa’s eventual (through many seasons of labor and love) pride and joy!

This tree not only didn’t drop fruit all over the yard like the apple trees, necessitating the dreaded chore of picking up the fallen fruit, but it produced the biggest, juiciest, sweetest peaches I’ve ever tasted!

The best part? My grandma would can or freeze lots of these plump, fresh summer fruits to use in pies and cobblers throughout the fall and winter months.

And, I’m not sure how she did it exactly, but every pie and every cobbler - even when using those frozen or canned peaches - boasted the richness of a freshly picked peach.

I can still smell the robust aroma of coffee brewing in her stovetop coffee maker even now. And, I recall, even as a child, thinking the combination of this scent and the from-scratch cobbler bubbling and baking in the oven was one sent straight from heaven!

Now, imagine this precise and intentional union of aroma and flavor with a sophisticated enhancement, an upgrade made possible through an infusion of the rich, caramel and vanilla-like sweetness of an aged bourbon.

Using a finely aged bourbon to soak fresh, ripe, peaches slowly draws out the juice and sugars in the fruit, then when baked under dollops of buttery, delicious cobbler crust, the bourbon takes a subtle backseat, working to simply enhance the sweet and tart notes in the fruit and the buttery taste of the cobbler crust.

Aged bourbon, grandma’s peach cobbler, and a freshly brewed, smooth, bold cup of coffee - serve this alongside a scoop of velvety, sweet vanilla ice cream and voilà, what could possibly taste better?

Bourbon Peach Cobbler Coffee Recipes

To highlight the delicious flavors we've mentioned thus far, today we’ve compiled a few recipes inspired by our Bourbon Peach Cobbler Coffee, as well as an actual bourbon peach cobbler recipe you can enjoy alongside a cup of this delicious brew.

And, if you’re like me, I think you’ll soon find that this incredible, and unique, coffee is delightful just about any way you prepare it - hot, iced, a la mode, or in a tasty coffee cocktail!

When enjoying a cup alongside a generous serving of cobbler, you may find that sipping this selection black, sans cream or sugar, truly brings out the infused flavors.

And, if you prefer a splash of heavy cream in this brew, this will bring out the soft, buttery notes of the cobbler in a greater way.

But really, no matter how you cut, spoon, serve, sip, or savor it, both the bold, smooth, tasty coffee and sweet, delicious cobbler are truly amazing!

1- Peaches And Cream Coffee

Enjoy this treat hot or iced, but either way you’ll savor the richness of sweet, slightly tart peaches, velvety vanilla, and notes of caramel from the bourbon infused coffee, all balanced by the smoothness of our classic medium roasted coffee beans.

Personally, I find that cold brew or iced coffee delivers a slightly sweeter taste here, while sipping on this drink prepared hot brings out the tartness of the fruit a bit more.

*Note: This recipe details how to make the drink iced. To make this one hot, simply forgo the ice and warm the milk prior to combining with freshly brewed coffee and the peach and vanilla simple syrups.

Be sure to let us know your favorite way to sip…hot or iced!


  • 8 ounces cold brewed Lifeboost Bourbon Peach Cobbler Coffee
  • 2 teaspoons peach simple syrup (see recipe below)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla simple syrup (see recipe below)
  • 4 ounces milk (your choice, dairy or non)
  • Whipped cream, optional for topping


  • Add ice to a tall glass, then add peach syrup and vanilla syrup.
  • Pour cold brew over the syrups and ice, then add milk.
  • Stir to combine, then top with whipped cream, if desired. Enjoy!

Homemade Peach Simple Syrup

  • 3 large peaches, peeled and chopped (roughly 2 cups)
  • 1 ½ cups water
  • ½ cup cane sugar

Wash, slice, and cut peaches into small chunks. Add cut peaches, water, and sugar to a large heavy bottomed pan or skillet, and heat over medium heat just til it begins to boil. Be sure to gently stir the mixture often to fully dissolve the sugar.

Reduce heat and allow the peaches to simmer for 10-15 minutes, or until the mixture slightly thickens and the peaches begin to break down. Occasionally gently stir the mixture while simmering.

Remove from heat and allow the mixture to cool a little before straining the peaches and pouring the remaining syrup into a glass jar to store in the refrigerator.

*This syrup won’t be incredibly thick, but it adds great flavor to your brew.

Homemade Vanilla Simple Syrup

  • ½ cup water
  • ½ cup cane sugar
  • 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract

Combine sugar and water in a medium saucepan and heat over medium heat, stirring until sugar is dissolved. (Do not boil.)

Remove from heat, and allow the mixture to cool for roughly 5 minutes. Stir in vanilla extract, then allow the mixture to cool completely before transferring to an airtight glass jar. This will keep in the refrigerator for up to one month.

2- Bourbon Peach Martini

As the flavored coffee selection we’re featuring here boasts classic caramel and vanilla notes, typical of an aged bourbon, we just had to use this delicious brew in a cocktail.

And, while a coffee martini typically uses espresso and vodka in its making, I think you’ll find this twist on a classic espresso martini to be quite delicious!


  • 2 ounces cold brewed Lifeboost Bourbon Peach Cobbler Coffee
  • 2 ounces bourbon
  • ½ ounce Kahlua (coffee liqueur)
  • ½ ounce peach simple syrup (see instructions for homemade peach simple syrup at the end of recipe #1)
  • ice


  • Add all ingredients to a cocktail shaker with ice.
  • Shake vigorously until the outside of the container begins to frost.
  • Strain into a chilled martini glass, garnish with a few coffee beans, and enjoy!
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3- Peach Cobbler Coffee A La Mode

When you want the flavors of bourbon peach cobbler topped with creamy vanilla ice cream and a piping hot cup of coffee…without all the kitchen labor and calories…you can still indulge in a tasty treat, by sampling this incredible coffee selection as an affogato.

As many of you know, an affogato is a traditional Italian offering which combines a rich, creamy scoop of ice cream and a fresh, strongly brewed cup of coffee.

Here, with our Bourbon Peach Cobbler Coffee, you can enjoy these fabulous flavors as a dessert, without ever having to turn on your oven.

This one’s simple, sophisticated, and super tasty!


  • 6 ounces strongly brewed Lifeboost Bourbon Peach Cobbler Coffee
  • 1 large scoop vanilla ice cream


  • Add ice cream to a large mug.
  • Top ice cream with freshly brewed coffee. Enjoy…with a spoon or through slow sips!

4- Bourbon Peach Irish Coffee Mocktail

An Irish Coffee is a classic cocktail made up of freshly brewed coffee lightly sweetened with brown sugar and a bit of whiskey, topped with heavy cream (often softly whipped).

And here, we’ve used this fan-favorite coffee cocktail as inspiration for a peach-infused cream-topped brew that is absolutely incredible!

Our Bourbon Peach Cobbler Coffee is infused with the flavors of aged bourbon, so you’ll get a hint of this spirit here without the boozy effects.

However, if you’d like to move from mocktail to cocktail, simply add an ounce of your favorite bourbon for a spiked treat.


  • 8 ounces freshly brewed Lifeboost Bourbon Peach Cobbler Coffee
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar
  • ½ ounce peach simple syrup (see instructions for homemade peach simple syrup at the end of recipe #1)
  • ¼ cup heavy whipping cream
  • ½ teaspoon sugar, for topping
  • ⅛ teaspoon cinnamon, for topping


  • Add heavy cream and peach simple syrup to a chilled bowl. Whisk or beat with a mixer until soft peaks form. (You don’t want this to get stiff at all, so if you’re using a mixer, you won’t have to mix long. This should be thicker than liquid, but it won’t hold a super firm shape when spooned out of the bowl.)
  • Add freshly brewed coffee to a mug, then stir in the brown sugar until dissolved.
  • Top with a few spoonfuls of the peach cream.
  • Stir together sugar and cinnamon, then sprinkle a dusting of the mixture on top of the peach cream. Enjoy!

5- Bourbon Peach Cobbler

We’ve now looked at some ways to enjoy our sinfully delicious bourbon peach cobbler coffee, but we couldn’t leave you without an actual cobbler recipe to enjoy alongside a freshly brewed cup.

That’s right, a warm bowl of homemade bourbon peach cobbler, fresh out of the oven, with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and a piping hot cup of joe…what could be better than that?

This recipe calls for fresh peaches, of course, so if you’re making this one during the winter months you may need to pull out some canned or frozen ones from your summer peach haul (or from your local grocery store).

If you’re using canned peaches, just be sure to drain the juice. And, if you’re using frozen peaches, thaw first. But, if you notice your thawed peaches are particularly juicy, you may need to add a little more cornstarch or arrowroot powder to accommodate for the extra liquid.



  • 8 peaches, peeled and sliced
  • ¼ cup bourbon
  • ¾ cup sugar, plus more for topping
  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch (or arrowroot powder)
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon, plus more for topping
  • 1 ½ cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 2 sticks cold, unsalted butter
  • ¾ cup heavy cream, plus more for brushing on top


  • Preheat your oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Combine peeled and sliced peaches, bourbon, ¼ cup sugar, cornstarch (or arrowroot powder), and cinnamon in a large bowl and toss together to fully coat the peaches.
  • Sift the flour, remaining ½ cup of sugar, baking powder and salt together in a medium sized bowl.
  • Cut 1 ½ sticks (or ¾ cup) of the butter into small pieces, then add to the flour mixture.
  • Cut the butter into the dry mixture with a pastry blender, or your hands, until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs.
  • Pour in the heavy cream and mix just until the dough comes together. Be careful not to overwork the dough here; it should be slightly sticky, but manageable.
  • Melt the remaining ½ stick of butter in a 10 inch skillet over medium-low heat (if you have cast iron, you can also bake the cobbler in this as well).
  • Add the peach mixture to the melted butter in the skillet and cook gently for about 5 minutes, until the mixture is fully warmed.
  • At this point, if you’re cooking in cast iron you can continue the cooking process in the skillet, otherwise now you’ll transfer the heated mixture to a 2 quart baking dish.
  • Drop the dough, one tablespoon at a time, over the warm peach mixture. (Don’t worry about covering the mixture completely as the dough will expand and spread a little bit as it bakes.)
  • Brush the top of the dough with heavy cream, then sprinkle it with extra sugar and cinnamon.
  • Place the cast iron skillet or baking dish on a baking sheet (in case of any spills or dripping) in the oven for 40-45 minutes or until the cobbler is browned and the fruit is bubbling. Enjoy!

Bourbon Peach Cobbler


Check out Lifeboost Coffee Bourbon Peach Cobbler.

Headshot of Becky Livingston Vance
Becky Livingston Vance Content writer

Becky is a mother, educator, and content writer for Lifeboost Coffee. She has had three years’ experience as a writer, and in that time she has enjoyed creatively composing articles and ebooks covering the topics of coffee, health and fitness, education, recipes, and relationships.


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